Car Seat Guidance

One of the biggest issues that continue to plague parents is how difficult it is to correctly install a car seat. In fact, 4 out of 5 car seats are installed incorrectly, and according to an Oregon Health and Science University Hospital study, car seat misuse is even higher among new parents - 93% of families taking a newborn home from the hospital made at least one critical error when installing their car seat.

Ensure the safety of your little ones on every journey by entrusting the expertise of our Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, to show every member of the family how your specific car seat should be installed. Our certified technician brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience, ensuring that your car seat is installed correctly, following the latest safety standards and manufacturer guidelines.

Car Seat consult options:

  • Car Seat Installation (50 minutes) – $95

    • This service is for a full seat installation in your vehicle. We will go over how to properly install and remove the car seat from your vehicle and will also set up the child’s seat to ensure a proper fit.

  • Mini Session (25 minutes) – $65

    • This service is for a car seat that has already been installed in your vehicle. We will check to make sure the car seat is properly installed and child has a proper fit in their seat.